You are joining millions of individuals around the globe who are beginning their exciting discoveries of families’ histories.
You are in good company whether you are just getting started or dabbled a bit in genealogy. Ancestry research is a popular and engaging hobby for many genealogy seekers, gaining even more momentum over the last decade as accessible online resources. Today, one of the largest ancestry research sites reports some 3 million subscribers searching for 15 million ancestors. Another genealogical network claims another 27 million ancestors in its organization.
Ancestry tracing of your family’s lineage will satisfy more than your curiosity. It is proven to offer comfort, relief, joy, pride, and many positive attributes in the uncovering of the histories of family members often never known. The discoveries also offer many somber and sober moments as our loved ones often had colorful lives. You will see mirrors of yourself and other family members. The rewards of researching family histories bring great rewards.
Let’s get started. This post will show you the way.
First: Set a goal of the essential research you wish to achieve. When I got started with my family’s research, my goal was to learn more about the maternal grandfather that I did not grow up with. I was born in Omaha, Nebraska and my grandfather, Eugene Owen, Sr., lived approximately 1,533 miles away in Los Angeles, California. I also wanted to learn everything about my paternal grandfather who fled Helena, Arkansas after the race killings in 1919. After many years — prior to the ample offerings of online ancestry research — I achieved my initial goals. Keep in mind that your research should be essential to your intended results. You may be interested in building a family tree, learning about your ethnic heritage, or perhaps delving into a specific ancestor’s life story?
Next: Invest in research time both online and offline. This website, goodgenesgenealogyservices.com, and many others offer you access to records. Your county library system, historical societies, archives, family, friends, city tours, and so many resources are available to help fill in the blanks for your ancestry research. Your online records search should yield information to confirm birth, marriage and death certificates. Consult the U.S. Census data for your initial search.
Next: On this site, you can build your family tree. Start with the basics that include your name, date of birth, and other any other relatives’ basic information. Your tree will begin to build itself. Your next steps will be to check in your tree to learn of any updates.
Finally: The exciting part begins with the family puzzle pieces coming together. On your family tree, remember to be flexible and open to unexpected discoveries.
It’s a long and winding journey, yet the results are how you will honor and preserve your family’s legacy.