February 17, 2023
Do not NAP on DNA results
Ann Wead Kimbrough just received her updated DNA results. She is prone to take daytime naps. Or is she?
Here’s what Ancestry.com found:
Taking naps

Ann Lineve Wead Kimbrough’s results
Ann Lineve Wead Kimbrough, your DNA suggests you’re equally likely to be a napper or non-napper.
Based on your genetics, you’re right in the middle—neither more nor less likely than average to take naps.
Nature and nurture
Your DNA affects whether or not you take naps, but your environment makes a bigger impact.

Making the most of your naps
If you’re a napper, keep it short—10 to 20 minutes is likely all you need. Longer naps can leave you groggy. To avoid nighttime wakefulness, end your naps before 3:00 in the afternoon.
Napping can curb your appetite
Missing out on sleep can make you feel hungrier. So taking naps can help you avoid overeating (especially if you nap through dessert).BACK TO SURVEY
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We may also share aggregated responses, to give you insights into how your answers compare to others. You can always change or delete the responses on this page. Learn more.
Your answers may also be used for scientific research if you agreed to our Informed consent.OK, got it.
Discover more traits
Morning or night person
Remembering dreams
Risk taking
Vitamin B12
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Genetics & other factors
What affects whether you’re a napper?
Ancestry scientists found a lot of DNA markers (over 46,000) connected to taking naps. Some other markers may play a role too.
Environmental factors
People whose schedules require them to rise early tend to take more naps–as do folks whose nighttime sleep is interrupted. And of course, having a daytime schedule that allows for naps makes napping possible in the first place.
What is my result based on?
Your result is based only on your DNA. We compared your DNA to the DNA of more than 650,000 people who answered the question, “Do you take naps?” The large number of responses makes the data reliable. This test has no medical purpose. Nothing in this report is a diagnosis of a health condition or medical disorder. This report is not a substitute for medical advice. Before making any lifestyle or dietary changes, or if you have any questions about how your genetic profile might relate to your health or wellness, please contact your healthcare provider.